On Mon, 29 Aug 2011 07:25:18 -0500, JC (Jon) wrote:

> > On Monday, August 29, 2011, 7:54:10 AM, Karel Zak wrote:
> >>  I'd like to remove:
> >>     ddate - converts Gregorian dates to Discordian dates
> >
> >>  command from rawhide (F17). IMHO this crazy command is used by very
> >>  very small minority of Fedora users.
> >>  Comments?
> >
> > Why  does  it  matter  to  you?   Why  make  this  change,  which will
> > at best inconvenience that very small minority of Feedora users.?
> >
> > If it is maintained, and works then it should stay.
> +1.  I don't use vim or rythmbox or play tremulous, and their presence
> doesn't hurt me or my mirror. :)

$ rpm -qf /usr/bin/ddate

As such it is part of every installation. It could be optional instead.

$ man ddate
|       After  `X-Day'  passed  without  incident,  the Church of the SubGenius
|       declared that it had got the year upside down - X-Day  is  actually  in
|       8661 AD rather than 1998 AD.  Thus, the True X-Day is Cfn 40, 9827.

Strange humor to install something like that in a util-linux package.
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