Excerpts from Olivier Sallou's message of Sun Aug 21 13:24:16 +0200
> Hi,
> I have a question regarding packaging for Fedora.
> I want to package an application that depends on jets3t. It is packaged in 
> Jpackage.
> I see in fact that many Java packages are available in JPackage.
> What is the usual behavior in this case ?

Usual course of action currently is to package it from scratch in
Fedora. We have diverged considerably from JPackage over time
(especially during last year). On one hand it's bad because we can't
copy things from jpackage anymore, but it made several packaging tasks
easier. Plus we have more strict rules as far as bundling/licensing
reviews are concerned.

> Should I check with maintainer if package can be "moved" to Fedora ? (and do 
> it myself if he does not wish to do so)

Maintainer of jets3t in JPackage has most likely no relation to
Fedora. But you are free to ask obviously :-)

> There are Fedora "core", EPEL, JPackage... it is not really clear for 
> newcomers to see several repository, and what are their relationships...

Others have covered this mostly. I'll just add that JPackage is a
cross-distro project to create rpm packages for java software. We used
to be much closer, but diverged significantly.

If you need help with specific java packaging questions feel free to
visit #fedora-java on Freenode (or write to java-devel mailing list).

Stanislav Ochotnicky <sochotni...@redhat.com>
Software Engineer - Base Operating Systems Brno

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