On Friday, August 19, 2011 10:50:51 AM Richard Hughes wrote:
> On 19 August 2011 13:35, Steve Grubb <sgr...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > All security guidance says turn off or get rid of avahi. We really don't
> > want to require it just to print.
> Then "security" is flying in the face of usability.

Generally there is that tension. The main objections is that it makes 
system resources easy, which in terms of security is bad. It also used to punch 
a hole 
in the firewall and add routing rules. All of this is bad for security. If you 
catering to a laptop crowd that wants to share music and pictures then avahi is 

If however you want a secure by default server OS, then avahi needs to default 
disabled. The concern is when its allowed by default, then people might start 
on it to the extent that its impossible to remove later. For example, cups is 
used as 
part of the LSPP certification. People running in a LSPP configuration would be 
to know avahi is now required for printing top secret documents.

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