Richard Shaw wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Jon Ciesla <> wrote:
>> I've always made 48x48 PNGs.  I don't really know why, but no one's ever
>> complained.
> I think that's the Gnome 2 default but the icons in gnome shell seem
> bigger so I saved 128x128 and 256x258 ones as well.
> I am not an artist so I would appreciate any feedback. I've uploaded
> the icons here[1].
> For those who are not familiar with the spacenav project it provides a
> free library/driver alternative to the proprietary 3Dconnexion drivers
> for 3D input devices, also known as "space balls" or "space pilots",
> etc.
> Thanks,
> Richard
> [1]
Taking into account my total unfamiliarity with the project, is there 
anything about that image that says "Oh, look, it's spacenav!" to those 
who are familiar?  Otherwise they look fine.


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