Can we please either disable these nag messages or give developers the 
ability to push a package regardless of testing when it reaches nag age?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Fedora Update] [CRITPATH] [old_testing_critpath] 
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 00:00:17 +0000

The critical path update for mdadm-3.1.3-0.git20100804.3.fc14 has been 
in 'testing' status for over
2 weeks, and has yet to be approved.

   Update ID: FEDORA-2011-9424
     Release: Fedora 14
      Status: testing
        Type: bugfix
       Karma: 1
        Bugs: 653207 - mdadm[862]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fc6adff8314 sp
            : 00007fff7016fb90 error 4 in
       Notes: This is a minor update to resolve mdmon segfaulting when 
called to
            : see if it should takeover any arrays on the system and
            : version 0.90 arrays are active.
   Submitter: dledford
   Submitted: 2011-07-15 00:15:35
    Comments: bodhi - 2011-07-15 00:15:50 (karma 0)
              This update has been submitted for testing by
              dledford. This critical path update has not yet been
              approved for pushing to the stable repository.  It
              must first reach a karma of 2, consisting of 1
              positive karma from proventesters, along with 1
              additional karma from the community.

              bodhi - 2011-07-16 07:36:06 (karma 0)
              This update has been pushed to testing

              boblfoot (proventesters) - 2011-07-28 07:30:00 (karma 0)
              no raid

              thedonvaughn (proventesters) - 2011-08-01 20:47:38 (karma 1)
              no regression here. mdmad still works

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