On 08/01/2011 12:21 AM, Richard Shaw wrote:
> Does anyone know off hand if F14 is going to get Python 2.7.1/2.7.2?
> I'm trying to help move miro from Fedora to RPM Fusion due to the new
> ffmpeg requirement and it's having issues with the version of python
> in F14 but not F15.
Here's the review ticket on RPMfusion, if anyone's interested:


> I figure there's a reason but I went ahead and tried a mock build of
> the F15 source in F14 and ran into a build problem[1]. I'm assuming
> that's the reason?
That build problem is similar to a recent problem affecting F-16 Python


While the systemtap in F-14 is of a higher revision than the one which
fixes one Python build problem (comment #3) on that report, it appears
that the Python Makefile fix (comment #6) introduced in 2.7.2-3.fc16
hasn't been backported to F-15 yet.

Getting late here so this is pure conjecture at this point; I tried a
scratch build of F-16's python for F-14 to see if the miro problem on
F-14 is solely due to python 2.7.0, but it's failing with the same error:


Michel Alexandre Salim

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