On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 3:22 PM, John Reiser <jrei...@bitwagon.com> wrote:
> The nightly build "mash" for Fedora-16 Branched should go first,
> before Rawhide, on a few days per week: say, Monday, Wednesday,
> and Friday.  The typical three-hour difference in completion times
> can be put to good use by me and others who are trying to make and
> test the install DVDs.  Too often that three-hour delay is not just
> a phase difference, but instead becomes lost opportunity for work.
> It's much easier to finish a daily cycle (build DVD, test DVD,
> report bugs, debug, fix, push changes) in 18 hours after F-16 Branched
> Report, in contrast to only 15 hours if Rawhide goes first.

You should open a ticket with rel-eng to see if this could be implemented.

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