On 7/28/11 8:41 AM, James Antill wrote:
>   Sisyphean task ... IMO.

So was moving us off of CVS.  *shrug*

>> >     There are multiple ways to throw
>> >  baby-eating updates over the wall for testing before they get into
>> >  rawhide.  Stop treating it like a dumping ground.
>   But at some point you have to commit. You have to have a place all the
> updates go first, currently that's rawhide. It's been rawhide for ~20
> years, it seems like a better idea for it to continue to be rawhide and
> just create a "tanned" repo. (or multiple ones) that eats less babies.

Actually the plan log ago was to involve AutoQA as a filter between "I 
built this package for rawhide" and "this build showed up in buildroots 
and the public rawhide repo".

At first the autoQA tests were going to be very simplistic, like "does 
it break every dep in the world", or things like that.  It would also 
allow developers to manually override the test results and push a 
package anyway if they knew what they were doing.  Then as that got 
mature we could start introducing package specific functional testing as 

Since much of this rests on the shoulders of AutoQA, it is not 
surprising that it isn't documented much in the wiki.

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- FreedomĀ² is a feature!
identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating
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