On 07/21/2011 07:32 PM, Joshua C. wrote:
> The nightly builds for f16 are broken for the last 4-5 days because of
> the abrt and libreport packages and the error is:
> DEBUG util.py:247:  Package abrt-plugin-bugzilla is obsoleted by
> libreport-plugin-bugzilla, but obsoleting package does not provide for
> requirements
> DEBUG util.py:247:  Package abrt-plugin-logger is obsoleted by
> libreport-plugin-logger, but obsoleting package does not provide for
> requirements
> DEBUG util.py:247:  abrt-desktop-2.0.3-1.fc16.x86_64 requires 
> abrt-plugin-logger
> Can someone please look at the packages?

fixing it right now. libreport-2.0.5-2 is building at the moment, new 
abrt will follow in a few minutes.

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