On Thu, 2011-07-21 at 15:49 +0100, John5342 wrote:
> If the problem is purely with the actual UseSWIG.cmake file and not
> with the supporting tools then as a temporary workaround you can stick
> the old UseSWIG.cmake file in a directory of it's own and somewhere in
> the CMakeLists.txt before "include(UseSWIG)" (easiest somewhere near
> the top of the root CMakeLists.txt file) put a line similar to the
> following:
> where "path" could be the absolute path to the directory containing
> the UseSWIG.cmake module or ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/relative/path.
> The quotes are needed though i believe.
> That way your file should be found before any others. The only
> exception is if UseSWIG is included from another module in the
> standard cmake modules directory. If that's the case then cmake will
> always search there first. To return to the old behaviour where
> CMAKE_MODULE_PATH is always used first add "cmake_policy(SET CMP0017
> OLD)" to the CMakeLists.txt file.
> All of this is based on the documentation at [1]. I haven't tested any
> of it myself.
> [1] http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/cmake-2-8-docs.html

Hi John,

I've been trying this already. I hadn't realized that the location of
inclusion of swig had to be kept in mind. I'll go retry. 

Ankur: "FranciscoD"


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