Bill Nottingham venit, vidit, dixit 20.07.2011 21:28:
> Each release, before branching, we block currently orphaned packages.
> It's that time again for Fedora 16.
> New this go-round is that we are also blocking packages that have
> failed to build since before Fedora 14.
> The following packages are currently orphaned, or fail to build. If
> you have a need for one of these packages, please pick them up.
> If not claimed, the packages will be blocked on Monday, July 25.
> Orphan xine-ui

I've taken master, f15 and f14 branches.

On master it did not build any more. This is fixed in
xine-ui-0.99.6-27.fc16 which I just pushed. (Due tu libcurl-devel changes.)

The same rpm builds on f15 and f14 but they don't need the fix.

Epel6 does not build with this, so I'm holding back taking that branch
until I see clearer.

I have no intention to take epel5.

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