On 07/11/2011 10:46 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
> the same problem with the logic "if there is a svcname.socket"
> you have to do "systemctl stop svcname.socket svcname.service"
> or systemd wil fire up it again if you do only
> "systemctl stop svcname"
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=714525
> nobody would expect this and even if someone knows about
> this is nothing which makes usabilitöy better
> lennart please think about such inputs and try to implement
> logic that your tool does what admins normally expect
> according to my bugreport (yes the topic was wrong because
> unexpected bahvior) "systemctl stop mysqld.service" should
> implicitly always stop an according "svcname.socket" as long
> we do not restart - STOP means STOP and not restart :-)

'systemctl stop ...' means: stop the currently running instance. Nothing 
more. It says nothing about what should or should not happen in the 
future. Socket activation is a future event.

Usind 'BindTo=' it may be possible to stop the socket when the service 
is stopped. I have not tried it.

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