On 07/10/2011 01:49 PM, Matthew Garrett wrote:
On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 11:49:19AM -0500, Chris Adams wrote:

Command line arguments and/or environment variables allow script-based
startup to adapt to current conditions without having to edit a
configuration file.  Now maybe you could argue that every program should
figure out relevant things for itself, but here in the real world, that
will never be the case.
The suggestion isn't that having the options is wrong, it's that having
them as the primary means of configuration is poor design. If your
entire configuration takes the form of a shell script that constructs a
set of command line options then you've increased fragility for no
benefit. Having a proper configuration file and allowing admins to
override specific aspects of that from the command line isn't a problem.

This is just your opinion - where in the else it this mantra preached.

Stephen Clark
Sr. Software Engineer III
Phone: 813-579-3200
Fax: 813-882-0209
Email: steve.cl...@netwolves.com
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