On Fri, 2011-06-17 at 12:20 +0200, Henrik Wejdmark wrote:
> > > Since you recommend not using the application menu, in other words,
> > > you agree that the application menu is useless?
> > >
> > 
> > It is useful when you are looking for something and you don't know what
> > exactly it is. In that case, it is much much better then the previous
> menus,
> > because you have nice overview on one page and moreover you have the
> > possibility to filter by groups for example.
> On my desktop it's not on "one" page, it's a mile long listing so you get no
> overview at all. In Gnome2 at least all the apps are categorized. If the
> graphical user interface _requires_ you to use the keyboard to type the
> command

It doesn't require you to type the command.

You can search for "bro" and among the results will be Nautilus and
Firefox (hint: Gnome Shell also searches in the application description,
and both are "bro"wsers).


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