Dne 17.6.2011 11:57, Henrik Wejdmark napsal(a):
>> The workflow is:
>> 1) Move the mouse to the to left corner (move is enough, you don't have to
>> click. You even can drag and drop through activities, so learn to not
> click
>> there.)
>> 2) Type on the keyboard few character of the application name you want to
>> run, e.g. "cal" and on your screen will be filtered "Calculator" and
> "LibreOffice
>> Calc"
>> 3) Click on the appropriate icon.
>> Or alternatively:
>> 1) Move the mouse to the to left corner (move is enough, you don't have to
>> click. You even can drag and drop through activities, so learn to not
> click
>> there.)
>> 2) Click on your pined favorite application icon.
>> If you go "Application" and try to find there you favorite app, then I
> have to
>> congratulate to your patience. That was always the biggest pain of former
> DE
>> to remember "Oh, where is the terminal, is it in accessories, system
>> management or other group?" or "Is the browser office application or
>> internet?". To be honest, I don't care.
> Since you recommend not using the application menu, in other words, you
> agree that the application menu is useless?

It is useful when you are looking for something and you don't know what 
exactly it is. In that case, it is much much better then the previous 
menus, because you have nice overview on one page and moreover you have 
the possibility to filter by groups for example.

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