On 06/17/2011 02:13 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
> a needed TWO WEEKS to go in updates-testing, this is way roo long for
> such a major bug preventing the user from booting the system and
> it takes time until it is for normal users in stable repos too!

It is not a major bug since it is not common for people to put a
trailing slash in the mount points.  It was so uncommon that nobody even
hit it until the release and unless a mount point is specifically marked
as optional,  it is expected behaviour that the system would stop
booting on a failed mount and it is not mandatory for any update to stay
in updates-testing for two weeks.   If three testers to give positive
feedback,  then it can be pushed to stable immediately.


Ps:  As many people have already told you in the same thread,  caps =
shouting online and it is rude to do that.  I request you to stop doing that
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