On 06/14/2011 11:24 AM, Genes MailLists wrote:
> On 06/14/2011 12:27 PM, Nathanael D. Noblet wrote:
>> On 06/14/2011 07:31 AM, seth vidal wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2011-06-14 at 11:25 +0100, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
>>>> I've installed XFCE.  It was easy to install, and it works sanely
>>>> (unlike GNOME 3 / Unity).
>>> And you can add some interesting tools around xfce which enhance,imo,
>>> its operation.
>> Does it have anything like vino where you can share your current running
>> desktop via VNC? like in Gnome, that's probably my biggest check against
>> it as I have to often vnc to a remote users session to show them
>> something...
>    I found vino to be so slow as to be almost unusable - regular vnc
> works way better .. I'd think you'd only need to put the usual info into
> the xorg.conf file like always for the server side ... but we really
> need something like rdp - which hopefully we'll get when wayland settles
> down .. pixel scraping is not the way to go.

Its worked super well for me (though less well with GNOME3's effects 
etc)... Can you point me to what you mean by the usual info into 
xorg.conf?  to be clear, I don't want to run *my* session over VNC. I 
want to be able to connect to a remote users *current* session to see 
and control their computer (while they see what I'm doing)... Does your 
message still apply?

Nathanael d. Noblet
t 403.875.4613
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