On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 20:47:41 +0400,
  Lucas <macach...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I use systemd-28-3.fc16.i686 and updated it when it became available, but 
> still have real problems 
> with boot.
> If it stops it happens definitely in systemd job - when it is starting 
> services.
> And I can't find any errors.
> More important that I have changed selinux to permissive - there is no 
> difference. I can boot only 
> with selinux=0.
> I have tried upstart - it works without any problems.

You probably need to rebuild the initramfs file for your kernel. One way
to do it is to uninstall the latest kernel and then reinstall it. (I am not
sure if that break things if that is the kernel you are running. So you
might want to boot with an older one to do this.)
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