----- "Kevin Kofler" <kevin.kof...@chello.at> wrote:

> The DVD does not include updates when doing the upgrade, which means
> it is 
> fully expected that some packages will not be updated because they're
> newer 
> in Fedora 14 updates than in Fedora 15 GA. Running "yum upgrade" or
> "yum 
> distro-sync" after the DVD upgrade should fix it. (The latter will
> also 
> downgrade packages if even Fedora 15 updates have an older version
> than 
> Fedora 14 updates. Such a situation is actually a bug, but it still
> happens 
> sometimes, so distro-sync is more robust.)
> My recommendation is to use preupgrade or 
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Upgrading_Fedora_using_yum instead of
> the 
> DVD. (The former is the official recommendation, the latter is how I
> upgrade 
> my machines.)

In the #fedora IRC channel I have seen 100 preupgrade failures for every one 
DVD upgrade failure roughly, I have nicknamed it preFAILupgrade. So much so I 
already had a draft started and was a bit shocked to read it was a DVD upgrade 
failure... so as always YMMV.

-- Bob

|       Robert 'Bob' Jensen        ||       Fedora Unity Founder       |
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