Having been not terribly impressed with GNOME 3 in F-15 alpha, I thought
I'd try installing the beta with KDE, just to see if the grass is any
greener.  I'm still trying to find my way around that one too, but
I've run into one significant problem: when I close my laptop, the
machine doesn't go to sleep.  (The sleep indicator light doesn't go on,
I can still ssh into it, it stays rather warmer than it should, etc.)
Is this:

1. An F-15 bug (and if so, which component ought I file it against)?
2. Expected behavior/missing feature for KDE?
3. My own ignorance about how to configure KDE?  (I did look into the
   power management settings, which seem remarkably over-engineered
   and don't offer any clear "sleep" option...)

                        regards, tom lane
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