> Keeping the current way will just make me (and possibly others) add
> filters to throw away messages from AutoQA. Please be aware of how
> much
> contributor time you waste by making them hope through useless
> (because
> the tests have passed and no information is gained) mails. I realize
> you
> want to improve things, but at the current stage its consuming the
> most
> valuable resource we have, packager/developer time.

We will certainly improve that. But for the near future I don't see much ways 
to change the notification system (using Bodhi comments). We can either have it 
the way it is or disable it completely (we can't use opting in/out, we must 
operate on all updates or none of them). 

I believe the current state is good enough to have AutoQA comments enabled, 
even though it's not perfect. You may disagree. If many maintainers claim they 
would rather have AutoQA completely disabled, we can do it. But the current 
state helps us fix the tests tremendously. In the mean time, we work on 
improving the AutoQA architecture.

As a simple workaround for you (and maybe for some others), why don't you 
define a simple mail filter that detects an AutoQA Bodhi comment and marks it 
as read if it contains PASSED comment? That will save you from wasting time 
reading them.

Another option is to work with Bodhi authors to implement your ideas. It will 
be great if you do.
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