On 04/25/2011 12:36 AM, Ilyes Gouta wrote:
> Rahul,
> > If you aren't actively using the GNOME or KDE frontend, just remove
> those and leave the
> > framework as it is.
> That was tough :)
> AFAIK (and I might be wrong) deep PacakgeKit integration wasn't
> clearly mentioned in Fedora 15's feature set list.

It isn't a feature that is driven by Fedora and hence it won't be in the
feature list.  It is just what happens when more upstream software take
advantage of it over time.. 

> I was just asking if it was possible to recover to a situation where
> the user would still have the choice, to use or not use PackageKit.
> That's all. Fedora 14 gave that choice.
> Alright, thanks for explaining!

Just leave it installed.  You don't have to use it.  That is still a


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