Michael Schwendt <mschwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We've always had the rule of thumb that packagers should not vote for
> their own updates. It is assumed that the packagers test their own updates
> and don't need to be explicit about their confidence in the update with
> karma points in bodhi.
> One goal of the update acceptance criteria for pre-releases is also that
> _anyone_ gets an opportunity to try out a test-update before it is marked
> stable.
> Anyway, I think I've seen counted "self-votes" also for older dists, but not
> done by many packagers.

What about to counteract "misplaced" karma? Example:

  - Bug exists in version X.Y
  - Update filed for X.Y+1
  - User reports that bug still exists with -1 karma
  - Maintainer replies with +1 karma that bug is not expected to be


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