
I am trying to get NIS and /home NFS mounts working on F15. In essence,
the dependency chain of services I need on my computer is as follows:

     1. Bring up the network interface
     2. Mount /home via NFS (maybe this should be done last?)
     3. Make sure NIS is available (I also need Kerberos for validating
        passwords of NIS users)

On F14 I managed to do this by using the network service, which is
brought up first, then NFS shares are mounted and finally the ypbind
service is started. How would I do something similar using systemd?

I'm totally cool with using NetworkManager instead of network if that's
preferred, but I'd like it to work for both runlevels 3 and 5.

The immediate issue I am facing at the moment is that the network is not
brought up automatically on boot (I have chkconfig'ed it on for
runlevels 3 and 5). If I manually bring it up using ifup it works fine.
Another problem I am having is that NIS does not seem to work at all
(service is started, SELinux properly configured), but cannot get any
NIS accounts.

Thanks for any pointers!


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