On 03/21/2011 12:43 PM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> Off the same topic, I'd love a way to have a "key server" on my
> network that machines can grab their keys from at boot.  Obviously I
> would then work on physically securing / hiding the key server so that
> no one could steal it ...

I think there are many possible improvements. I filed a bug with um F14 
with a patch for the initscripts that would fallback to a password when 
the configured key wasn't around. I thought it would also be nice to 
have other options such as 'run X to get the key' etc. Ultimately the 
initscript change was rejected as F15 is going to systemd making it 
somewhat moot. Though I haven't looked at how systemd handles encrypted 

Nathanael d. Noblet
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