After having migrated our project (FreeIPA) I thought I would share some 
info which might help others.

We were already hosted on but the project was created 
prior to the Transifex 1.0 roll out. For some reason we didn't have a 
resource although we previously did have a .pot file and translators had 
provided .po's. I had to create a resource using the tx client. I 
presume resources are a Transifex 1.0 concept.

We keep our pot file and po's under source code control so the fact 
there was no transifex resource was a non-issue, I just needed to 
recreate them on the TX server from our source code system.

Snag 1:

My first snag was understanding what a resource was and how to name it. 
For those used to GNU gettext a resource is a pot file and the po files 
associated with it. If you have more than one translatable entity (e.g. 
your runtime translations and man pages) each would be a TX resource. 
The source file for a TX resource is typically a pot file. You should 
name your resource accordingly.

Snag 2:

The auto-local feature of tx set makes some assumptions about your tree, 
for instance it seems to assume there is a po directory in the top level 
directory of your project. If that's not the case for your project you 
need to indicate where to find your resources source file (i.e. the pot 
file) and the po files associated with it. Here is an example:

tx set --auto-local -r $PROJECT_NAME.$RESOUCE_NAME 
$PO_DIRECTORY/<lang>.po --source-lang en --source-file 


PROJECT_NAME = the name of your project in Transifex
RESOUCE_NAME = the name of your resource
PO_DIRECTORY = the location in your source tree for your pot and po files

Note: there is no requirement for your pot file name to match your 
resource name, but the consistency might benefit others who come along 

Snag 3:

Since we already had an existing pot file and associated po files the 
next step was to push them to our TX resource. This is done with 'tx 
push -s -t' and that's where I hit my next snag. The tx client reported 
it was "Skipping XXX.po" and didn't push it. Huh? Why?

It turns out the decision to whether to push a file is based on the 
timestamp of the file on the server and the timestamp of the file in 
your tree. If the timestamp on the server is newer it won't push it. I 
have no clue how the server got a timestamp for a file that didn't exist 
prior to being pushed, but it did (see speculation about translation 
teams below). The solution is to touch all your po's prior to pushing so 
it's timestamp is newer. But because the server's clock is not synced 
with your clock you might have to wait until your "touched" timestamps 
are newer than what the server has. I'm a bit dubious about using file 
modification timestamps like this because of the clock sync issue but 
I'll let the TX folks sort that one out.

Just be aware, the tx client won't report why it's skipping a file or if 
the server rejects it (see Snag 4).

Snag 4:

After having pushed all our po files from our SCM up to TX I looked at 
our resource on TX and discovered there was a discrepancy between the po 
files I pushed and what the server reported. Some of the po files I 
pushed were absent. Moreover the tx client reported those po files had 
been pushed. Why did these po files apparently go into a black hole bit 
bucket and not show up on the TX server? It turns out if you have a po 
file with no translations in it (i.e. a "stub" file for a language that 
no translator has contributed to yet) then TX will ignore it. The 
missing po files were those in which every msgstr was empty.

But wait, the new created resource on the TX server contained po files 
which weren't in our SCM and which I did not push to the server. Where 
did these po files come from? I didn't push them. Apparently when 
creating a resource TX will examine the existing set of translation 
teams for your project. It will create a po file for every translation 
team. We had a few translation teams which had never provided a po file 
to us, thus we never had a po file to push, but TX happily created a po 
file for us in the resource. I presume it did this because it assumed if 
there was translation team there had to be po file for the team.

I suspect it was the existence of the project translation teams which 
caused a po to appear on the server with a newer timestamp than the 
timestamp on the po file in our source tree which subsequently caused 
the po file to be "Skipped" when it was pushed, even though as far as I 
could figure out the TX server's copy of the po file would have been 
empty. This seems to me like a TX bug.

Any way, hope this helps others who follow, some of this should probably 
be on a wiki page and/or FAQ.

John Dennis <>

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