On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 04:45:35PM +0000, Matthew Garrett wrote:

> No, but if that's your definition of "essential" then all we need is to 
> launch init and have it give you a getty. chkconfigging gdm on would 
> give you a graphical login, and you could probably even get a session. A 
> bunch of stuff wouldn't work because you'd be missing dbus and udev, 
As long it is possible to start dbus and udev afterwards once I need
something that is not working otherwise, I do not see a problem.

> you'd be wasting extra power and losing performance becase there'd be no 
> irq balancing, you'd have no networking, you wouldn't be able to mount 
> anything via nfs, bluetooth would obviously be right out the window and 
> system logs wouldn't be updated.

I do not need to mount anything via nfs and if I have to, I have no
problem by starting some service first or making it persistent if I need
it always. The same holds true for bluetooth. Also it is a lot easier to
once start all the necessary services or enabling them than finding all
services that need to be disabled. It is a lot easier to identify
missing services and unwanted extra services. There could even be a
command that suggest to start all the services that are more or less
always useful like udev, cpufreq, irqbalance or rsyslog.


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