
Thanks for your attention on F-15 Alpha RC#1 test event. Alpha priority
tests and most of other test cases against installation and desktop have
been executed and a list of bugs are classified as below:

************************ Installation *********************************

* F15Alpha-NTH(bug#657617):

677131 MODIFIED  - How to skip update disk prompt

* F15Beta(bug#657618):

677953 NEW  - Unable to kickstart with ks.cfg file stored on hard drive 
646843 NEW  - images/install.img will no longer exist in F-15 and newer 
676968 ASSIGNED  - system halts after first reboot during kickstart
678081 ASSIGNED  - Updates.img delivery via installation source not
676821 MODIFIED  - Couldn't resolve host name when installing packages
over NFS 
678150 MODIFIED  - VNC install w/ password, fails to establish password
for VNC session 
676815 ON_QA  - Upgrade from F14 to F15 Alpha TC1 failed due to package
677218 CLOSED DUPLICATE - missing iso 9660 image during installation via
676821 MODIFIED  - Couldn't resolve host name when installing packages
over NFS

* F15Blocker(bug#617261):

677080 NEW  - 'F14' artwork is shown during F-15 installation 
676551 MODIFIED  - no prompt for mediacheck 
678413 MODIFIED  - NFS ISO installs require the presence of .treeinfo 

* Warnings:

680016 NEW  - failed to install from hard drive since package rpm cannot
be opened 
679709 NEW  - Unable to retrieve ftp repository unless adding a http
repo first
585006 NEW  - anaconda and livecd-creator are creating i386 and x86_64
ISOs which are larger than indicated by the ISO header
677773 MODIFIED  - F-15-Alpha DVD install (TC2) prompts for networking
at repo step
679171 POST  - Hitting enter to move to Next screen crashes firstboot
679466 NEW  - KeyError: <pyanaconda.yuminstall.AnacondaYumRepo object at

************************** Desktop *********************************


To view the detailed test results, please refer to :

As you can see that quite a number of bugs exist, but no Alpha blocker
bugs were found on this build by executing the cases. Many thanks for
the leadership of robatino as well as the participation of jreznik and
jaycee. Hope next time there will be more testers providing test results
on the pages. :)



FAS Name: Rhe 
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TEL: 86-010-62608141
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