On Wed, 23.02.11 11:41, Jon Masters (jonat...@jonmasters.org) wrote:

> > You seem to spend a lot of time during your installs undoing all the
> > new things that were done for the release.  Perhaps a rapid changing,
> > bleeding-edge distribution isn't quite suited to your needs.  Maybe
> > you would be more comfortable with Debian or CentOS?
> I'll bite. I am, indeed, a fan of various Enterprise Linux distributions
> and I make no pretense that I am not. I do run an Enterprise Linux on
> one desktop, and it's also true that I intentionally run my primary
> desktop several Fedora releases behind so as to avoid many of the
> problems I see from some of these changes. However, I also run more
> recent Fedora releases, and on those releases, I typically have to undo
> changes such as the one originally being proposed (replacing LVM).
> Again, I feel the solution is to have a Fedora architect whose role is
> to realize the problems caused by seemingly isolated changes, and stop
> them from propagating. You don't just replace years of UNIX (or Linux)
> history/heritage overnight without bothering a chunk of the users.

We have that already. It's called FESCO, and is pluralistic and
democratic and stuff.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
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