On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 09:06:03PM -0800, Adam Williamson wrote:
> Hi, Fedorans. Please be informed that this week is Fedora Graphics Test
> Week. Tuesday 2011-02-22 is Nouveau Test Day [1], Wednesday 2011-02-23
> is Radeon Test Day [2] and Thursday 2011-02-24 is Intel (graphics) Test
> Day [3].
> Testing is very easy and can be done entirely with a live image, there's
> no need to install F15 or Rawhide; full instructions are available on
> the Wiki pages. QA folks and graphics developers will be in
> #fedora-test-day during the events. These test days are super-important
> this release because we'll be checking out the support for GNOME Shell,
> one of the major features of F15; we really need to get a good idea of
> the state of hardware support for the Shell, so PLEASE do come out and
> help test if you have any spare time this week! Also please help spread
> the word anywhere you can - your local enthusiast community, any news
> websites you know, particularly ones in non-English languages (as I'm
> not great at covering those).
> There's a longer write-up on my blog [4]. Please get in touch with me
> directly or the test mailing list if you have any questions or
> suggestions. Thanks!
> [1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2011-02-22_Nouveau
> [2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2011-02-23_Radeon
> [3] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2011-02-24_Intel
> [4] http://www.happyassassin.net/2011/02/20/its-graphics-test-week-again/


I'd like to remind about issues I've had with graphics in Fedora..
ie. support for laptops with external monitors (in a docking station).

I can probably attend the radeon test day and try my setup,
but others should test this stuff aswell!

-- Pasi

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