Am Samstag, den 19.02.2011, 11:44 -0300 schrieb Domingo Becker:
> I was in a situation a couple of days ago, in which I was setting up
> some Fedora 14 desktops and I tried to install my software from rpms
> in an usb stick.
> For some external reason, the internet connection was down, and after
> installing F14, setting up the appropriate firewall rules and selinux
> booleans and file contexts, I tried to install my software from the
> rpms and it failed because it couldn't get information about the
> Fedora repo.
> I think that a just installed Fedora box should have the ability to
> install software from an usb stick without the need of an internet
> connection.
> Think about a computer with F14 for managing something in a place
> without internet connection (I have several cases like this).
> Is there a way to do this?

I usually do this with

  yum localinstall file.rpm


Dominic Hopf <>

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