On 02/16/2011 12:22 AM, BJ Dierkes wrote:
> Hello all,
> I hope I am not the first to come across packaging issues for projects that 
> use GitHub as their upstream source download.  For those not familiar, GitHub 
> dynamically generates downloads for all git 'tags'.  So for example:
> $ git tag -a -m 'Tagging 1.0.0' 1.0.0
> This would create a tag of '1.0.0' in git.  On GitHub, this tag would be 
> 'downloadable' via a dynamic app such as:
> https://github.com/derks/myapp/zipball/1.0.0
> This is the upstream URL that a lot of GitHub users are providing rather than 
> a direct download link.  Unfortunately the above is not usable by RPM because 
> rpmbuild expects the URL to end with the file.  If I were to use the above in 
> my spec, I would get an error saying something to the affect of 'unknown 
> source file 1.0.0'.  Additionally, the tarbal that is created looks like:
> myapp-1.0.0-XXXXXXX.tar.gz
> Where XXXXXXX is the last bit of the git commit hash id... which cause yet 
> another pain in that... you need to update this commit revision every time 
> you update the spec... and it just makes things a bit less fluid.  I'm 
> wondering how other people have resolved these issues for projects using 
> GitHub as the upstream Source0 download provider.
> Finally, debian has a web app to resolve these issues at:
> http://githubredir.debian.net/
> What would be the thoughts of using that to produce more sane/traditional 
> tarbals of upstream GitHub source?

What I am using in my spec files is something like this:
# git clone git://github.com/sonatype/sisu
# git archive --prefix="sonatype-sisu-" --format=tar \
#               sisu- > sisu-
Source0:        %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz

Which basically takes the tag name and creates a nice tarball from it.

Stanislav Ochotnicky <sochotni...@redhat.com>
Associate Software Engineer - Base Operating Systems Brno

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Red Hat Inc.                               http://cz.redhat.com

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