On Tue, 2011-02-08 at 18:23 -0600, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
> so the mass rebuild is 24 hours in we have completed ~45% of the builds and 
> are at 365 packages failed to build the total number of builds in the mass 
> rebuild is 10404 we are churning along nicely. i expect to complete the first 
> pass sometime in the next 24 hours. so far i think its going pretty well

Wow, didn't know it was THAT many packages, or paid that much attention
to it.  Is there some sort of limit to #'s or space or anything?  I know
stuff gets orphaned at times, but am sure stuff getting added outweighs
the orphaning.  

Not my money/hardware/whatever and no beef, just asking in general.
Also think maybe it saves lil time on mass rebuilds, etc..

Mike Chambers
Madisonville, KY

"The best town on Earth!"

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