On Tue, 08.02.11 10:39, Braden McDaniel (bra...@endoframe.com) wrote:

> > Try enabling it via "systemctl enable NetworkManager.service"
> > 
> > Not sure what went wrong here, but normally this fragment in
> > Networkmanager.spec should ensure that the systemd service gets enabled
> > on upgrades from sysv versions:
> > 
> > %triggerin -- NetworkManager < 1:0.8.1-5
> > if /sbin/chkconfig NetworkManager ; then
> >         /bin/systemctl enable NetworkManager.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
> > fi
> > 
> > or is this a fresh install? if so, I am not entirely sure whose job it
> > is to enable NM initially after install. Dan?
> I installed F14 from DVD and immediately did a yum upgrade to rawhide.

That's weird then. I am not sure how this could fail...

> > > I'm not sure whether "1" means it is or it isn't; but
> > > system-config-services claims it's enabled.
> > 
> > s-c-s only covers sysv services. We probably should deprecate it or at
> > least add a bit of code to point out that whether a service is on or off
> > in sysv is ignored for native systemd services.
> Why not fix it?  That is, why should a user of this app care whether a
> service is SysV or systemd?  Or, is this app being replaced by some
> other UI?

Well, the UI makes a couple of assumptions (i.e. runlevel stuff) that
doesn't really apply to systemd, but sure it could be updated.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
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