
On 02/02/2011 03:24 PM, Doug Warner wrote:
> syslog-ng is an alternative syslog daemon that provides high
> flexibility and a
> great configuration syntax.  I've done a lot of work to make sure this is
> parallel-installable with the other syslog daemons, but lately I
> haven't had
> the time to keep up with new releases.
> I'm looking for help maintaining the syslog-ng package and especially
> getting
> 3.2 tested [1]
> I have a personal repository that I've been testing 3.1 in [2] [3] but I
> haven't been able to test out 3.2 yet.
> Feel free to shoot me an email if you're interested in helping and
> I'll get
> you approved in pkgdb!
I'll be at FOSDEM this weekend. If you happen to be there and also
interested in the syslog-ng port, I'd be happy to meet you there. I
helped in creating the v3.2 package for openSUSE and FreeBSD and I could
share my experiences, patches, etc. there.



Peter Czanik (CzP) <cza...@balabit.hu>
BalaBit IT Security / syslog-ng upstream

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