On Tuesday, January 25, 2011 06:40:00 pm Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> On 01/25/2011 10:58 PM, Jaroslav Reznik wrote:
> > reconsider the OnlyShowIn=KDE; for System Settings
> > * ''AGREED'' to not enable it by now and ask upstream what they think
> > * reasons are
> > ** we cannot add KDE to the name as we will break translations
> In GNOME 3, there is a system settings as well and if GNOME and KDE are
> installed at the same time which is not unusual at all, you will get two
> menu entries that say the same thing.  Isn't that confusing?

Currently KDE System Settings are not displayed outside Plasma Desktop. But we 
have request (on this list) to show it there because otherwise users can not 
change settings for KDE Applications they are using (like sounds etc.). The 
request also states it should be called "KDE System Settings" but we are unable 
to add KDE prefix as it would break translations. As upstream wants wider 
adoption of KDE Applications outside Plasma Desktop (that's one of the reason 
why they rebranded desktop from KDE to Plasma, to show people they can use KDE 
Applications without Plasma as desktop environment), I think there should be 
how to confugure from for example Gnome and same would be great for Gnome 
Applications to be configurable from other environments. Plasma, Shell whatever 
are just the face, what does matter are applications.

So for now, we stay with current status quo.


> Rahul

Jaroslav Řezník <jrez...@redhat.com>
Software Engineer - Base Operating Systems Brno

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