On Tuesday 18 January 2011 16:42:36 Jaroslav Reznik wrote:
> = Agenda =
> topics to discuss:
> * keep kdepim-4.6 or revert to kdepim-4.4. Testing so far as been mixed:
> ** rdieter did quick test against gmail imap: ok
> ** dgilmore testing against ~100gb imap mail: (mostly) fail, initial sync
> of  data resulted in akonadi crash, and pegging cpu for quite awhile.
> ** anyone else have any testing feedback, good or bad?

I have 9 dimap (cached imap) accounts.

Since I have been testing kde-4.6 (almost two months ago) kdepim was updated 
and kontact/kmail would crash at start. When I test kdepim-4.6 the computer 
crawls with akonadi and mysql and no kmail.

The only workaround for me was to reconfigure every accounts to use 
thunderbird. Between thunderbird and kmail I prefer kmail but at least I could 
read my email.

Finally, two weeks ago, after seing the announce of a new kontact that 
supported akonadi from kde-4.6 I added these lines to kde.repo

downgraded kdepim and kdepim-libs and I have lived happy ever since (not 
necessarily but you get the idea).

So for me kdepim-4.6 simply does not work. :-(
José Abílio
devel mailing list

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