On 11/01/11 01:13, Doug Warner wrote:
> I'm having a problem under mock 1.1.6 on F13/x86_64 where I can't seem to
> download the repo information for F14/x86_64 (all other releases/arches work
> fine).
> The root.log is here:
> http://pastebin.com/irkWhjtg
> For some reason it seems like yum can't download the repo data.  I have an
> F14/x86_64 host on the same LAN that yum works fine for; if I run the command
> specified in the debug logs on the build host that even seems to work fine;
> it's just the combination of mock + yum for F14/x86_64.
> Any ideas on what might be wrong or how I can debug this (I can't run mock
> shell b/c I don't have an initialized root yet)?

Try removing:


and see if that helps.

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