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# #meeting:fedoraproject.org: eln

Meeting started by @yselkowitz:fedora.im at 2025-03-20 19:02:08

Meeting summary
* TOPIC: Init process (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 19:02:35)
* TOPIC: New business (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 19:12:39)
* LINK: https://github.com/fedora-eln/eln/issues/234 (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 19:14:20) * INFO: llvm-20 landed recently, most packages just needed a rebuild, a couple are waiting on upstream (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 19:14:50) * LINK: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/t...@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/MXLU5DDRJHRF7JSNZW65ZQNEIZLSM4W3/ (@salimma:fedora.im, 19:16:44) * INFO: Meta to add a conda workload to ELN Extras (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 19:23:15) * INFO: RHEL Content Resolver configs were renamed, now prefixed with rhel-sst- or rhel-ssg- (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 19:24:09)
* TOPIC: Old business (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 19:25:21)
* LINK: https://github.com/fedora-eln/eln/issues/192 (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 19:25:38) * AGREED: (+0, -3, 1) with all do respect to Beefy Miracle, it's just a bit much for the desktop background, so it will be omitted (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 19:38:59) * AGREED: (+4, -0, 0) without Beefy Miracle, the ELN logo should be in the middle (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 19:45:10) * AGREED: (+4, -0, 0) the ELN logo should be medium sized (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 19:49:27) * LINK: https://tdawson.fedorapeople.org/eln/background/eln-plain-medium.png (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 19:49:47) * AGREED: (+4, -0, 0) Troy's background with a medium sized ELN logo in the middle (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 19:51:40) * ACTION: Troy to create the fedora-eln-backgrounds package with that artwork (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 19:52:04)
* TOPIC: Open floor (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 19:53:05)
* INFO: next meeting will be per schedule, Thursday 27 March 15:00 EDT (@yselkowitz:fedora.im, 19:54:39)

Meeting ended at 2025-03-20 19:57:36

Action items
* Troy to create the fedora-eln-backgrounds package with that artwork

People Present (lines said)
* @yselkowitz:fedora.im (73)
* @salimma:fedora.im (40)
* @tdawson:fedora.im (24)
* @gmoro:matrix.org (13)
* @davide:cavalca.name (11)
* @zodbot:fedora.im (5)
* @meetbot:fedora.im (3)
* @soupcreator:matrix.org (1)

Yaakov Selkowitz
Principal Software Engineer, Emerging RHEL
Red Hat, Inc.

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