On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 12:31 AM, susmit shannigrahi  wrote:

> > Yes but you are better off explaining what the specifically requires user
> > interaction and we can potentially suggest good ways of handling it to
> > upstream
> This software (gnumed-server, which is not yet in bugzilla) uses a
> postgres database for storing data.
> For subsequent installations (if tried), it simply overwrites the
> database. In this process, it asks the user whether to overwrite the
> DB or not. My initial thought was to backup the database somewhere and
> continue. However, when I asked upstream, they replied that there is
> no easy way to restore these databases.

Has it been packaged for other distributions?  If so, what have they done
about this problem?   We simply cannot ask questions during installation.

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