2. maaliskuuta 2025 4.58.31 GMT+02:00 Orion Poplawski <or...@nwra.com> 
>On 3/1/25 13:54, Otto Liljalaakso wrote:
>> Orion Poplawski kirjoitti 1.3.2025 klo 21.24:
>>> I don't think I'm getting notifications from koschei about my packages. 
>>> What do I need to enable to get them?  Currently I have the "My Events" 
>>> rule enabled in Fedora Notifications, which I would have thought covered it.
>>> Thanks!
>> I get Koschei notifications. The rule that is sending them is like this:
>> * Tracking Rule: Artifacts by users
>> * Artifacts owned by: <my FAS ID>
>> * Destination:
>>    * Destinations: Email
>>    * Severities: info, warning, error
>>    * Applications: Koschei
>>    * My Actions: enabled
>> Another rule that I had for Koschei that is based on "My Events" did not 
>> seem to hit anything, so I deleted it.
>> Hope that helps,
>> Otto
>Thanks - that is getting me more notifications - but too many.  Perhaps I had 
>that enabled at one point and then disabled it because of things like the 
>I am getting an individual email for each package in this update:

Are you sure you included the "Application: Koschei" part? If yes, then this 
seems like a Notifications bug.

I let Bodhi and all other services send their own email, managed by my settings 
in each service. Of the services whose notifications I need, only Koschei 
cannot send email and I thus need to resort to the Notifications service.
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