In one week, 2025-02-27, I plan to update python-aiohttp from 3.10.11 to 3.11.12 in F43/Rawhide[1]. I impact-checked this update in COPR and found no regressions, but it does have documented breaking changes, so I’m going through the announcement process.

I would like to do the same update in F42/Branched, and I impact-checked it successfully. However, I would need to update python-uvloop from 0.19.0 to 0.21.0 and python-yarl from 1.13.1 in the same side tag. (These are the versions already in Rawhide.) I included those updates in my impact check, so I feel confident that they’re safe enough. However, I’m not an individual or group co-maintainer of either package, and I don’t want to proceed without consent from individual maintainers of both packages. If you maintain one of these packages, please let me know if you agree. I am able to merge from Rawhide using provenpackager privilege, so I only need consent, not assistance.



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