Dne 19. 01. 25 v 11:49 Loren M. Lang napsal(a):
On Sun, Jan 19, 2025 at 07:16:57PM +0900, Mamoru TASAKA wrote:
Benson Muite wrote on 2025/01/19 19:04:
Hi Loren,

On Sun, Jan 19, 2025, at 12:50 PM, Loren M. Lang wrote:
I just noticed that jed was on the FTBFS list and was failing to build
on Fedora and due to be removed. I've created a fix that should resolve
the issue and put together a Pull Request for review here:


I am not yet in the packagers group so I will need a sponsor to upload
it. Also, I am willing to take over maintainership of this package if it
is currently orphaned.

It does not seem to be orphaned, please contact the maintainer, most 
maintainers welcome a co-maintainer..
jed is marked in "List of long term FTBFS packages to be retired in 2 weeks"

Perhaps current maintainers are unresponsive.
Yes, and looking through the commit history, it doesn't look like
there's evidence of any regular maintainer going back years unless that
is Fedora Release Engineer. Actually, the bigger item is I'd like to be
subscribed to any events I'd need to respond to with issues.

To this particular issue, I think it should be enough to click the "watch" icon here:



  There isn't
much development needed with this package, but I would like to know how
to subscribe to the jed component on Bugzilla or other feed in case
there are future bugs that need to be resolved.

I also contributed a fix for apt-cacher-ng for a different FTBFS bug
last week that had been open for a couple of months. However, that
package does appear to have a maintainer that, while busy at times, is
responsive to help.

Please let me know what the next steps are.

Steps to join the packager group:
I have gone through most of those steps now, though I think I still need
to send an introduction email. Right now, I'm just working on developing
a list of good quality contributions for buildling my credibility.


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