Dne 18. 01. 25 v 11:01 Mattia Verga via devel napsal(a):
I have an idea I'd like to hear you out on how to reduce failures on
mass rebuilds.

I think some of the build failures are due to building things out of
sequence. I mean, package A buildrequires package B, but since the mass
rebuild is performed (AFAIK) alphabetically, package B is rebuilt after,
so package A rebuild may fail.

The optimal solution would be to have some script that periodically
creates a tree of buildrequires dependency for all Fedora packages...
but that would require some work. So, I was just thinking, what about to
set up a simple repository where we put some text files like:

- tier1.txt:
      - libindi
      - kpmcore

- tier2.txt:
      - indi-3rdparty-libraries

(possibly a tier3.txt too)

On mass rebuilds, all packages specified in tier1.txt are rebuilt first,
then all packages in tier2.txt (and so on), then all other packages like
the current mass rebuild does.
In my example this would mean that the correct sequences on rebuild are

- T1: libindi -> T2: indi-3rdparty-libraries -> mass rebuild:
indi-3rdparty-drivers (and kstars, stellarium, etc.)
- T1: kpmcore -> mass rebuild: kde-partitionmanager

I think this could be a simple and quick solution to maintain build
chains on mass rebuilds. Thoughts?

While I am not sure this is strictly needed for mass rebuild, having build order is generally useful. In modular days, we were able to specify the build order:


I also know the Mikolaj has some tooling for defining build order, which he use for Maven rebuilds:


While we never had any metadata, build order was also required for Software Collections for those who remember.

Just FTR, working on Ruby on Rails 8 for Fedora, possibility to have build order specified would help with the rebuilds as well as bootstraps.


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