On Tue, 2024-12-03 at 18:21 +0000, Aoife Moloney via devel-announce
> Wiki - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/SDL2onSDL3
> Discussion Thread -
> https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/f42-change-proposal-replace-sdl-2-with-sdl2-compat-using-sdl-3-self-contained/138987
> This is a proposed Change for Fedora Linux.
> This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes
> process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive
> community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if
> approved
> by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.
> == Summary ==
> This Change proposes to replace SDL 2 with sdl2-compat, which uses
> SDL 3.
> == Owner ==
> * Name: [[User:Ngompa| Neal Gompa]]
> * Email: ngomp...@gmail.com
> == Detailed Description ==
> SDL 2 feature development ended some time ago with efforts being
> focused on SDL 3. However, many older games still use SDL 2 and
> cannot
> change to SDL 3. In order to continue to support SDL 2 games in the
> modern world, let's replace SDL 2 with sdl2-compat, which uses SDL 3.
> This also has the effect of moving SDL 1.2 games to SDL3 through
> sdl12-compat running on sdl2-compat.
> == Feedback ==
> == Benefit to Fedora ==
> Switching SDL 2 powered games to use <code>sdl2-compat</code> ensures
> that SDL-based applications continue to use the actively developed
> codebase. This also has the effect of SDL 1.2 powered games that use
> <code>sdl12-compat</code> to run on SDL3 as well through the fully
> supported path of <code>sdl12-compat</code> running on
> <code>sdl2-compat</code> running on SDL3.
> == Scope ==
> * Proposal owners:
> ** Package [https://github.com/libsdl-org/sdl2-compat libsdl2-compat]
> (native: [https://bugzilla.redhat.com/2316576 RH#2316576], mingw:
> [https://bugzilla.redhat.com/2330101 RH#2330101])
> ** Retire {{package|SDL2}} and {{package|mingw-SDL2}} completely
> * Other developers:
> * Release engineering: [https://pagure.io/releng/issue/12485 #12485]
> * Policies and guidelines: N/A (not needed for this Change)
> * Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
> * Alignment with the Fedora Strategy: N/A
> == Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
> The <code>SDL2</code> package would be transparently upgraded to
> <code>libsdl2-compat</code> package and games using it should just
> transparently start using SDL 3.0.
> == How To Test ==
> The testing steps are simple:
> 0. Enable the
> [https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ngompa/SDL2onSDL3/
> <code>SDL2onSDL3</code> COPR]: <code>dnf copr enable
> ngompa/SDL2onSDL3</code>
> 1. Swap <code>SDL2</code> for <code>sdl2-compat</code>: <code>dnf
> swap
> SDL2 sdl2-compat</code>

From results of https://koschei.fedoraproject.org/package/mlt , I guess
mlt started to fail to build since this change . 

mlt builds with module for SDL1 and module for SDL2, so [1] is correct
?  what devel packages should we use to build with SDL packages ? and
SDL2_image-devel could be along SDL3-devel  ? 


 BuildRequires:  SDL-devel 
 BuildRequires:  SDL_image-devel                                
 %if 0%{?fedora} >= 42                                                
 BuildRequires:  SDL3-devel             
 BuildRequires:  SDL2-devel  
 BuildRequires:  SDL2_image-devel

Sérgio M. B.
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