Neal Gompa wrote:

> > It's mostly that it behaves more like a real filesystem. It uses
> extents, supports inline compression, DAX, and other features that you
> expect from advanced filesystems.

That's just word salad.  Squashfs is a real filesystem, with real filesystems 
techniques: inodes, extents, inline compression (I think you mean inline 
decompression here).  In fact it has the features that EROFS has, and it has 
had them for years.

There's one thing the EROFS developers never talk about, and that's metadata 
compression.  EROFS doesn't do it, but Squashfs does, and it has done since 

In a supposedly technical proposal, I would have expected to see at the least:

1. Motivations and reasons for why it is necessary, including:
1.1 The current pain points with Squashfs.  Is there a problem with compression 
size? Speed? Reliability?
1.2 The techniques that EROFS has that solves these problems.
1.3 Real world tests and benchmarking results that backup/illustrate the 
problems and the solution.

2. A risk analysis of the possible consequences:
2.1 In real-world situations is EROFS less or more stable than Squashfs with 
corrupted images.
2.2 Have you tested?  What were the results?  Undetected file corruption?, 
kernel OOPses?, lockup?

You say you have worked with the EROFS developers to improve compression.  I 
see no dialogue or discussion with me, or on Squashfs websites/mailinglists 
where you reached out to voice your issues/concerns with Squashfs and have them 
addressed.   This strikes me as putting the cart before the horse, and suggests 
the motivation is not driven by technical problems with Squashfs, but because 
EROFS is seen as newer or there are politics involved, with Squashfs being 
sucked into the Flatpak/Snap standoff.  I have absolutely nothing to do with 
Canonical or Snaps.  If you don't want people to run Snaps on Fedora, don't do 
it via the backdoor of deprecating and then disabling Squashfs (I notice 
Squashfs is deprecated on RHEL 10 and is to be removed for no discernible 
technical reason).

> There's a lot more detail about it on the EROFS website:

If you believe everything that the EROFS developers claim then I've got a 
bridge to sell you 

The tests are all done in way to flater EROFS and put Squashfs in the worst 
light.  For example see  They 
deliberately disable Squashfs metadata compression because EROFS doesn't 
support it, and use 128K blocks despite Squashfs supporting 1Mbyte blocks (look 
for the line [1] SquashFS uses –b 131072 by default, -noI will disable its 
metadata compression.).  By doing this they deliberately reduce the compression 
and speed of Squashfs in their tests.  This IMHO is biased and unethical.   But 
that is how it is.

So far this proposal looks like something from the EROFS marketing department 
and is remarkably light in motivations and technical detail.


Dr. Phillip Lougher (Squashfs author and maintainer)
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