Good Evening.

I hope this email finds you all well. I've been lurking for a bit but
haven't developed the nerve for an introduction until now. By trade I've
been a Linux/Unix Admin with a background in the US Navy, doing work trying
to bring things into the modern age.
Recently, I've taken on more automation/engineer roles and now I'm proud to
say I'm internal to Red Hat. I have always wanted a way to contribute and
thought I could do so as a package maintainer, but I need a sponsor still.
I learn fast, especially with on the job training type items, and I really
want to give back as I've been a consistent user of fedora since I was a
Feel free to hit me up if you need help or if there is anything I'm able to
contribute to.
Has anyone taken Hyprland yet? That is something I actively use, and I
remember someone saying the upstream was aggressive?
Looking for a sponsor or to co-maintain!

*Thank you very much for your time and effort. Very Respectfully,*

*"From the moment I understood the weakness of windows, it disgusted me. I
craved the strength and certainty of linux. I aspired to the purity of the
blessed kernel."*
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