Le 30/12/2010 12:31, Hans de Goede a écrit :
> Hi,
> On 12/29/2010 08:04 PM, Jon Ciesla wrote:
>> Johan Cwiklinski wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm going to orphan following packages:
>>> - BackupPC ([1], [2], [3], [4])
>>> - childsplay ([5], [6])
>>> - gcompris (several open bugs, see [7])
>>> - homebank ([8], [9])
>>> - php-pear-MDB2-Driver-mysqli (no open bugs)
>>> - php-pear-MDB2-Driver-pgsql (no open bugs)
>>> - php-pecl-solr (no open bugs)
>>> - pyfribidi - required for childsplay([10], [11])
>>> - tuxmath ([12])
>> I'd like to take tuxmath.  Thinking about childsplay, gcompris and the
>> like, but don't release those yet.
> I can take childsplay, gcompris and pyfribidi, but I certainly
> would not mind someone else taking them.
> Jon, How about we co-maintain them? I would be happy to be the
> "primary" owner (for whatever that may mean).
> Johan, can you please release these 3 packages?

That is done, thank you.

> Thanks & Regards,
> Hans

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