I did a rebuild of all affected packages in my COPR[1] and here are the
results. When I have time I'll notify package maintainers directly for
failed packages.

To be clear, I only tested whether the project built or not.

$ grep failed rebuild_status
butt: failed
dillo: failed
flwkey: failed
giac: failed
mathgl: failed
minicomputer: failed
mup: failed
rakarrack: failed
rasterview: failed
seaview: failed
tigervnc: failed
yoshimi: failed

$ grep success rebuild_status
alsa-tools: success
alsamixergui: success
aqsis: success
ax25-tools: success
ed2k_hash: success
eureka: success
fgrun: success
flamp: success
flcluster: success
fldigi: success
FlightGear: success
fllog: success
flmsg: success
flnet: success
flpsed: success
flrig: success
gmsh: success
linsim: success
lmms: success
lv2-sorcer: success
octave: success
OpenEXR_Viewers: success
pari: success
stage: success
VirtualGL: success
zynaddsubfx: success


[1] https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/hobbes1069/fltk/builds/
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