Hot news:

- I walked through all firmware packages. And they have either PR waiting to be merged or issue created as fedora-license-data repository.

- I walked throught our Packaging Guidelines and everywhere where was used Callaway license, I corrected it to SPDX expression. It was usually examples and the license tag was just minor thing. If you see any documentation that still use legacy expression, I will be grateful if you could convert it to SPDX.

- There were several updates in Legal Documentation. Notably guidelines about trademarks and practical examples of what to put in License tag.

Two weeks ago we had:

* 24340spec files in Fedora

* 30993license tags in all spec files

* 305 tags are not SPDX compliant (number from line bellow minus packages with 

* 2587 tags have not been converted to SPDX yet

* 56 tags can be trivially converted using `license-fedora2spdx`

* Progress: 99.02% ░░░░░░░░░█100%

ELN subset:

62 out of 2313 packages are not converted yet (progress 97.32%)

Today we have:

* 24366spec files in Fedora

* 31018license tags in all spec files

* 268 tags are not SPDX compliant (number from line bellow minus packages with 

* 2542 tags have not been converted to SPDX yet

* 29 tags can be trivially converted using `license-fedora2spdx`

* Progress: 99.14% ░░░░░░░░░█100%

ELN subset:

67 out of 2335 packages are not converted yet (progress 97.13%)

Graph of these data with the burndown chart:

The list of packages needed to be converted is here:

List by package maintainers is here

Packages that are neither in SPDX nor in Callaway format (highest priority for 
now) - 59 packages:

Most of such packages has open issue in fedora-license-data. A lot of them are waiting for SPDX to approved the license and assign ID.

I did NOT released new fedora-license-data as there were added only two public 
domain dedication and one firmware license.

    13 licenses are waiting to be reviewed by (and then to be added to fedora-license-data)

If your package does not have neither git-log entry nor spec-changelog entry mentioning SPDX and you know your license tag matches SPDX formula, you can put your package on ignore list

Either pull-request or direct email to me is fine.


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